These were emailed to me by a friend a while back, which I thought to save for future 'use.' Well, here they are! (With all due respect.)
But, puh-leeesee forgive me for laughing myself off of my chair. Hahahahahaha!!!!
This is a first post for me for Litratong Pilipino (Philippine Photo/s), another meme. It is late, but I hope you still enjoy this post! Karatula, which was the theme I chose to join, means signboard.
I need one of those weather stones. Michigan weather is hard to predict. he he
Hi Cherie, these really made me laugh, so funny!! Hehehe! Ang galing naman!
Re: Links for LP: Go to LP website and just make another comment that your link is already posted. If you check the comments, you will see their individual links, it is a Wordpress format.
haha! thanks for coming by, judy! that one really had me rocking!!
thank you, ate ebie! nag-comment na po ako. glad you enjoyed this!
The weather forecasting stone is FUNNY!! Thanks for the laugh!
I think the person undressing should be charging the fee, don;t you think?
Congratulations on your first LP post and welcome to Litratong Pinoy! I don't have a post for this week, next week na lang ;)
Happy LP!
lol! you made my day! happy weekend Che! kisses to M and AJ. ;)
gusto ko an "burn", hahahaha..
i thought so, elle! it really had me cracking! LOL!
haha! right on, RL! LOL!
i'll go visit your site, nortehanon! that's fine! it took me a while in fact, because i had been busy! thanks for the hop over!
ako man, grace! hahahaha! nan kitaa an ngaran. dapat ina IRENEO. pwera de los buenos...Diyos ko, lain man kunta ako busungon o kalagun! ^_^
I loved the weather stone. It is probably more accurate than the weather forecast on TV.
hahaha! they forgot 'stone crushed,' although i hate to think what that could mean...thank you for all the lovely comments, gypsy dear! i hope you have a fabulous day!
LOL at the Magbayad bago maghubad, if it were on a different location with the same sign, it would be really really funny.
My LP lahok ay nasa: http://chocolateword.net/2009/09/lp-mga-karatula-sa-sunny-slope/
i've seen yours, bloggity, but i couldn't find the Comments button. i thought your pictures were neat, though. thanks for the drop by!
Pamati ko si Mr. Eway, namatay sa sunog. Mwehe.
badaw. basi ngani IWAY lain man EWAY an apelyido, heheh.
hahaha kakatuwa ang post mo.
Welcome to LP
cher! i didn't mean to leave you out - i have just read this again, now! i'm sorry! i am glad this made your day, sweetie! happy Sunday!
thank you, upto6! i have more!!! come back, you're most welcome!
haha nakakatuwa naman yang weather stone..
pero ang kulit naman nung lapida...
salamat sa dalaw, shiela, oo nga, hahah! marami pa ako niyan, next time ulit.
should i say only in the philippines? hehe
haha - yes, pwedeng-pwede, ayie!
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