I noticed that AJ had a little cough this morning, and thought I'd try a remedy I'd read about a while back: I applied VICKS all over his feet and put socks on 'em. Before noon, and throughtout the day, the cough was gone.
Book Club
20 hours ago
hmmn, i don't know what the connection is between the foot and the cough, but ok, i will try this. thanks to global warming the season here in the Philippines has become erratic and due to the changing weather my son almost always has either cough or colds.
Vicks? I received an email regarding Vicks that day... hmm let me find it.
Well, it did say only under the nose thingy.. so i guess the feets are fine?
Ako, petroleum jelly and/or virgin coconut oil an gin lalahid ko sa tiil (ulo nan likod) ko lalo na kun winter. Napansin ko na dili ako masyado nagkakasakit.
Kun sa Pilipinas ako, maski bayadan ako --- di nanggayud ako malahid kay narurupit ako! HAHAHAHAHA
That's a new one!!
'will try it next time,Che. thanks goodness kyla is not sickly anymore when she joined us here. it must be mommy's and daddy's magic of love. ;)
My parents did that to us when we were little! We used to think it was odd but if it works it works i suppose!
Hmmm, purbaran ko daw ini sa sadiri ko. Basi lamang mawara an sip-on.
A new discovered trick.
I've always used "old ways" medicine and find it works just fine. And, if it doesn't I can always go to the doctor. My grandmother would always eat a spoonful of Vicks when she got sick; I've never been able to do that...too yucky for me!
It's cold and flu season so am drinking Elderberry juice to build my immune system; use Sambucol to quickly get over symptoms of cold and flu.
Vicks has been around for a long time--and it really does work. I've read about the connection between a cough and your feet. Interesting.
hello friend! musta na? :) glad that ur lil one's cough is gone! the magic of VICKS! :) i remember doing the same thing to my lil ones too when they had coughs before...it didn't work coz after the check-up with the doctor what they had was asthma pala so it was worse :(
anyway, take care and hugs to ur handsome boys! have a blessed day! :)
Yeah! That's good to know and so glad that AJ is feeling better!
God bless Cherie!
Oh yes, Cherie..I use Vicks also when JoJo has a cold. I also apply a very thing layer on his chest, behind his ears, and underneath his chin to help with his congestion. It works!
My dear Friends,
Good evening! I thank you all for your amusing 'foot notes,' and for extolling the good uses of vicks. I have no idea myself about the correlation between feet (specifically, soles) and camphor, (and i find it very funny) but hey, it worked for my son! Haha! So, I'll keep doing it! Matter of fact, I did the same thing to Matthew before I sent him to school this morning. He's not coughing anymore, haha! Big fan of home remedies myself, but maybe I'll fall short of swallowing a spoonful of vicks, just like you, Ms. Sandy. Let me know how your experiences with the experiment works, friends! (wink) For now, vicks and feet (including soles) scores a 10 in my book, and will try it on myself at the first opportunity.
The menthol in Vicks is absorbed slowly and is very benificial.
didn't know about this....i'll try in time and see if it really works =P
i do this trick too Che, and it helps when it is still at the early stage :) learned it from nanay before
My sister who has twin boys (4 yrs old) told me about this trick. I didn't believe it, but she tried it and she swears it works!
Glad to hear that it was working for your little one...
I remember VICKS as a kid... What a strong smell! I never thought you could use it on the feet... but if it works, then im all for it! :)
Ang galing naman ni nanay! So, may katotohanan pala 'to, Beth! Thank God! Hello, everyone - Sir Whitemist, Ayie, Jammie, Sab! Let's stock up on VICKS, then, evryone! The cold season is here! HUGS ALL AROUND!
Haven't heard or tried of this before....but I will remember it....I will try it next time...Thanks for sharing!!
Debbie :)
you're welcome, deb!
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