I just love Nancy because she is all-heart. She is one of our most devoted, hard-working clinical assistants. She works double shifts as much as she can so she can enjoy her time off with her animals, all of which she has acquired by adoption.
She moved to NC from New York about seven years ago, and settled in this old house by Jordan Lake. Soon after she moved in, she's noticed several dogs milling about her area. Those were hunting dogs. One day, she tracked them back to their owner, and, long story short, the owner didn't want them, and Nancy had her first pets. Not long after that, she found a goat and I think two horses in her property. Whatever happened, they are now hers and thriving. In time, she also became the instant owner of two stray cats, one of which I named Boots.
Well, about a week ago, she was telling me about this feral cat she saw by the side of the road. Two nights ago, she was saying, she's finally trapped it, and took it home. It wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink. But scratched her like the devil.
Yesterday, she had the poor thing spayed. The reason she took it she said, was, she noticed it was TINY, but that there was a litter of kittens beside it (wherever in the woods), and a few more older-looking ones. So Nancy thought, this cat may have been pregnant twice already. Well, guess what, she was pregnant again when the vet spayed her. Of course, she's lost this litter now, but, hey?
What's with all these pregnancies? Can we do something about feral cats? It just tears me up! Is there a way to catch all the tomcats and have them neutered?
I am not a cat person, but I care for animals just as much as I care about people. It is a very sad situation, just leaving all these animals at the mercy of the environment. It's sickening.
Thank you!
6 hours ago
It's sad to see animals are treated that way, and Nancy, my hat off to her generosity and kindness to these animals..
We do what we can, one cat at a time. I've gotten to be Very Careful when attempting to catch feral cats; they are one of the biggest carriers of rabies, third, I believe after raccoons and skunks. It's best to be Very Careful.
Have-a-Heart traps are best to catch small animals.
One female can be responsible for 10,000 offspring in a few years. I try and spay/neuter all I can but it's expensive and the job is, quite literally, never ending.
Nancy is a good soul.
Hi Che, I have just seen your comment in my post "Books by my Bedside Table.” Thanks for dropping by my page. I have been out of circulation for a long while and am happy to be back! Glad to see that you are blogging again! Your new page is looking good and boy are you blogging… hahaha! *winks* See yah around, girl!
Feral cat, tomcat, pregnancies, neuter... sort of complicated.
It is the animal world.
WE did that with a kitten when I was young - and she ended up being the sweetest cat and we had her for along time. But I agree, it is hard to see so many ferral animals :(
I ave read that with the recession, many people who lose their homes set their pets free into the wild and it's causing a problem in some places. Of course there were always cats roaming around without homes but now it's growing even more.
I always admire people who take care of stray animals. I couldn't do it --just not my thing. BUT--I do appreciate those who do.
Thanks for sharing about your friend.
What a nice person she is to care for animals that way. It is heartbreaking isn't it?
just a quickie sneak to drop you happy weekend =) i'll come back again later =P
In some places, the SPCA does this for free!
wow, you have a very generous friend Che, these animals are thankful to her am sure. hope you are enjoying a great weekend Che.
I have two cats, and my female is fixed. The other cat is her son, who does not go outside. I love my cats and researched them for two articles I wrote. I was appalled when I learned of a ridiculous number that are put to sleep each year because there are no homes.
God bless your friend Nancy and others like her.
My dear Friends,
I thank you all for your wonderful information, and kindness. Truly, we can all extend our little bit for these animals.
With sincerest appreciation,
Good on Nancy! We had once found a litter of cats and they were the most devoted, loyal animals we had. We had to raise them by hand, for they were only about 10 days old.
oh, so touching, ms. wil. they must have looked so helpless..
Hats off to Nancy. It's always encouraging to know that there are people who sacrifice convenience to make sure our fellow animals are treated well.
I'm glad to know another animal lover here in blogville. I also adopted a preggy cat recently and she gave birth already, the kitty is cute. Thank you for your kindness to them.
thank you, melodie and al!
So sad to see animals being dumped out like that... We need more people like Nancy.
that's true, LV, thanks.
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