Hello, my friends! I'm up and refreshed now and my thoughts are swirling! First, my thanks to the fabulous bloggers I've met who sent the following awards my way!
A Target Give-away gift card from Ashley of Kansas! Whew! Find out all about this, and how I won this card - my VERY FIRST BLOGGING WIN - in a most extraordinary way, here.
Ashley, I am privileged to meet you, and call you my friend, you and your precious little girl, are in my prayers. Thank you so much!
My next thoughts are of SunnyMama of England! Many thanks, Sunny, for my awards! I encourage everyone to go visit her fabulous blogsite and just immerse yourself in its warmth! My prayers are with you and your little boy, SunnyMama!
I don't have much time to sit here now, for the moment, so I cannot do some fast typing of URLs to pass the One Lovely Award to (wait for that, there'll be 15 of you), but the Your Blog Is As Deer To Me As Cupcakes I pass on to all of you on my blogroll - yeah, start grabbing and posting on your sidebars! Don't be shy now!! That's the rule!
Later on in the night,
the celebration continued
with Zulma's homemade picadillo (chili), full of fresh garden vegetables, 3 kinds of spices, and a whole lot of other condiments. She also used ground turkey for meat.
These tostadas went with the chili - yum!
That's Zulma, in black, trying to pull this run-away golf cart. Too much picadillo for Blanda, eh? Both of them are most dedicated Nurse's Assistants, never complaining, never failing, always there. We three have a special bond, and bring food whenever we're working together. It was Zulma's first time to bring something last night - and she certainly made it worth the wait.
Finally, you are all MY AWARDS in this never-ending game called LIFE. No gems like friends anywhere. Take care, Tuesday's almost gone. I'll see you later!
Finally, you are all MY AWARDS in this never-ending game called LIFE. No gems like friends anywhere. Take care, Tuesday's almost gone. I'll see you later!
The chili looks fabulous! I am an extreme affectionado of all things chili!
This looks particularly good. Talk more to me about it, I want a recipe! I will take that as an award! I assume that this is something cooked up from some ones special kitchen rather than a regional ting. I could go on and on and on. I even think I posted my special chili recipe once on my blog.
Thank you for your special kindness.
Congratulations on the award!
Yes, the chilli looks yummy. I have never eaten such type of food before. I guess there is alot of food in this world I have never tried before or even know about. But thanks to the blogs I have found and bloggers I have met, they have showed me much more than I thought I knew. :)
Yummy! Beautiful friends you got there. Friendship is such a rare treasure / gem. :) Thank you for being my new found friend.
hello, sir whitemist! i will post a special article just for you (and all chili afficionados), detailing how zulma prepared and cooked the picadillo. it was heavenly! yum!
hi ladyviral! thank you so much - ooh, the chili was fit for a king!!! we always try new recipes at home, too, whenever we can, it's just awesome to taste all these good food around the world! yes, blogging does bring us closer! i am also proud to be your blogging friend!
wow Che, congratulations to all the awards you have, and for those wonderful gifts. oh, can i have some of the picadillo? looks yummy!
congrats Che! you deserve all those awards. ;)
Conratulations Che! ;)
you got a lot of awards! wow! :) you deserved it Che for you are a brilliant writer :) idol e! ;) *winks*
and the picadillo sounds good, share naman ng recipe Che, ipapaluto ko kay Michael ;)
Congratulation on your awards!
I would love that chili since I love anything with fresh vegetables.
Well now if this is not a sign of how much they love ya then I don;t know what is.
It looks like you work with a great bunch of folks! What a nice letter go to with your giftcard :-)
thank you, grace, beth, car, Icy, ricardo, and carma! gee, you're all awesome, for your sweet comments! i work with a great team, and the picadillo speaks for it! haha! will post about the recipe is a few...am so hungry!!!
Hello Cherie,
I'm getting all caught up on blogging this morning. (or at least I'm trying to!) Man alive nothing shows me how bad my handwritting is like seeing it over the internet ;o)
I'm glad your little man opened the letter! My little girl opens our mail, she gets the biggest kick out of that! Isn't fun how God uses this thing called blogging to encourage Godly woman and share in life! What a ministry. Just think that little card was in my hand in Kansas and now is in yours on "your side of town"!! (unless you've gone shopping already!!)
May the Good Lord bless you and keep you today!!
Hi, Ashley,
Aren't you just the sweetest thing? Yes, God is wonderful for allowing people to connect through blogging! Yes, I have gone shopping already, and bought me a pretty sundress and a transformers toy (we just added some more) for AJ. I'm trying to get caught up myself. Let's keep praying for each other! Love, Cherie
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