Aris makes the best in town! Whenever we are both off work, we go to the Asian store, which is more than 30 minutes' drive. But when we get home, we enjoy cooking to our hearts' content! Come join us!
That looks incredible Cherie! I've never heard of it but it looks like it has some bell pepper, cabbage maybe and some type of meat? I'm guessing the noodles are a specialty at the Asian store?
You know, I tried western food before when i was in New Zealand. But then, i couldn't stand it. I will always go to Chinese restaurant to find asian food. Those bee hoon is nyummy nyummy.
Oh yum, I remember Pancit from our years in California. It was a very welcome dish at many of the potlucks we used to go to. Love your photo, so colorful and delicious!!! I wish I could eat a bowl right now.
excellent guess on all accounts, ms. trudy! there'a also all kinds of dumplings and live crabs and live fishes and fresh oysters. er, let me mention, sometimes, turtles! hahaha - no, this family no eat turles, madam, fear!
delicious, isn't it, diane? thank you for dropping by!
you should try it once, judy! thanks!
sure does, ms. betsy. haha! well, come on over then, will SAVE you some.
you got the bee hoon right, willie! friends, that's the name of the noodle used! yum!
thank you, ate inday! make some soon! sorry i got you hungry, hahaa!
yup, make some soon, beth! i'm sure khai loves it, too!
haha! very easy to prepare, all stir-fry! just make sure your bee hoon is all soft and tender already! cook some, denise! thanks for the drop by!
my pancit will be for tomorrow...i was gonna cook this morning but changed of heart i just made bicol express with eggplant! my family loves my pansit...they count me in for the cooking =)
my pancit will be for tomorrow...i was gonna cook this morning but changed of heart i just made bicol express with eggplant! my family loves my pansit...they count me in for the cooking =)
sorry, I read this but i forgot to comment. My son and I love Pancit and it looks really yummy! Thumbs up to Aris! regards dear friend. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
yum for the bicol express! was just thinking about that a few days ago! go, ayie!
please come anytime, Sunny Mama! you and sunny are most welcome here!
come back for more, then des! will write and write for you! you keep writing as well! when we get together, let's make sure pancit is served, yum!
kasiram baga, ano, sol? hala lutu -i na an mg batit mo kay sigurado, ubos! lol!
ay tagan ta ikaw, maris! makaunon sadi an mga batit, pati gulay! nagutom man lugod ako, hahaha!
BIG THANKS to all of you! i tell you what, let's have a VIRTUAL party come Thanksgiving and let's see what dish everyone 'brings!' yum! i am VERY hungry now, lol!!
I'm passing this on to you who are reading this. Please take it home with you to put on your sidebar. And then please pass it on, too! Everybody needs one!
That looks incredible Cherie! I've never heard of it but it looks like it has some bell pepper, cabbage maybe and some type of meat? I'm guessing the noodles are a specialty at the Asian store?
I love first taste was when I lived in Japan...and it was mmmm gooood!!!!
This looks awesome. I just know it tastes as good as it looks!
That looks delicious, Cherie. It makes that drive to the Asian store worth it, doesn't it????? YUM!!!!
Send me a bite. ha ha
You know, I tried western food before when i was in New Zealand. But then, i couldn't stand it. I will always go to Chinese restaurant to find asian food. Those bee hoon is nyummy nyummy.
Cherie, you sure do know how to make me hungry. I feel like craving. Lovely pancit, looks like perfectly cooked to me!
yummy Che! now, if i can only go there right now, i would. aris presented it delightfully and i believe you when you say Aris makes the best in town.
i should make some soon, Aris reminded me :)
Oh yum, I remember Pancit from our years in California. It was a very welcome dish at many of the potlucks we used to go to. Love your photo, so colorful and delicious!!! I wish I could eat a bowl right now.
excellent guess on all accounts, ms. trudy! there'a also all kinds of dumplings and live crabs and live fishes and fresh oysters. er, let me mention, sometimes, turtles! hahaha - no, this family no eat turles, madam, fear!
delicious, isn't it, diane? thank you for dropping by!
you should try it once, judy! thanks!
sure does, ms. betsy. haha! well, come on over then, will SAVE you some.
you got the bee hoon right, willie! friends, that's the name of the noodle used! yum!
thank you, ate inday! make some soon! sorry i got you hungry, hahaa!
yup, make some soon, beth! i'm sure khai loves it, too!
haha! very easy to prepare, all stir-fry! just make sure your bee hoon is all soft and tender already! cook some, denise! thanks for the drop by!
Your Pancit looks delicious Cherie!
I amd lucky to ahve a wonderful Aisan grocery store a few mile form my home. I love Aisan vegetables, especially Bok Choy
thank you, ms. pat! we go to ours at least twice a month if we feel like crabs or fresh/live fish, or so. i'm glad you like asian food!
Okay!..I'll be there in no time!
Wait for me... :)
This is a tease, Cherie! You show such a delicious dish, but you've forgot to send me some..Tears are forming now :-(
Fried vermicelli?
I like them too. Easy and simple dish.
Mmmmmm! Please save me a seat at your table on Pancit nights. Yummy!
Mmmmmm... looks yummy!
plenty enough for you, wollreflections!;)
oh, Icy1 don't cry! there's a special dish of pancit wrapped just for you inthe fridge!
i guess it's vermicelli on your side of town, dear mei! yum, isn't it?
will do the very next time, lisa!
really yummy and nutritious, too, jam!
Thank you, everyone! Share your dishes, too, they're most interesting! God bless!
my pancit will be for tomorrow...i was gonna cook this morning but changed of heart i just made bicol express with eggplant! my family loves my pansit...they count me in for the cooking =)
my pancit will be for tomorrow...i was gonna cook this morning but changed of heart i just made bicol express with eggplant! my family loves my pansit...they count me in for the cooking =)
Oh I would like to come for dinner at your house ;)
sorry, I read this but i forgot to comment. My son and I love Pancit and it looks really yummy! Thumbs up to Aris!
regards dear friend. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
adaw kasiram!!!!! nakadumdum man lugod ako magbakal bihon hehehehe.... perfect for the "ber" months....
YUMMMYYYYYY!!!! tagi man! lol Nagutom lugod ako. HAHAHAHAA
yum for the bicol express! was just thinking about that a few days ago! go, ayie!
please come anytime, Sunny Mama! you and sunny are most welcome here!
come back for more, then des! will write and write for you! you keep writing as well! when we get together, let's make sure pancit is served, yum!
kasiram baga, ano, sol? hala lutu -i na an mg batit mo kay sigurado, ubos! lol!
ay tagan ta ikaw, maris! makaunon sadi an mga batit, pati gulay! nagutom man lugod ako, hahaha!
BIG THANKS to all of you! i tell you what, let's have a VIRTUAL party come Thanksgiving and let's see what dish everyone 'brings!' yum! i am VERY hungry now, lol!!
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