It's 2:38 in the morning EST. Quiet on the floor. I can think of 10 things.
I received an email today that said one of my credit cards may be compromised, and that distressed me. Aris checked with the bank, explained to me what it was about, and I was reassured. Thank God for husbands.
We had a power failure an hour before I left home for work. Ugh. I called home after rounds at 10:40. My three boys had been home from the mall, clean, full, teeth brushed, AWAKE.
I received my Target Give-away Card that I won from a new blogging friend, Ashley of SimpleBeauty. Thank you, Ashley.
I read posts and found out I was given an award called One Lovely Blog by another new blogging friend, Sunny Mama. And, for following my blog, she also gave me a Your Blog Is As Deer To Me as Cupcakes Award. Thank you, Sunny.
I have a patient on the floor who might not last the night.
Zulma made picadillo (chili) and brought tostadas. Blanda, she and I had a fantastic dinner at midnight. We like to bring food whenever we three are working together.
My heart is aching for two heart-broken friends.
We're going to Virginia Beach on the 12th.
I'm having a girls' day out with some special friends, again, on the 13th.
Today is my mother's birthday.
I'm thinking about love and life and moments and you, guys. I truly, truly thank you, new friends and old, for all the things I'm learning from you, everyday. Your posts strengthen me, and affirm my belief in a God who always sees us through this bittersweet life. May you have a blessed Tuesday.
Book Club
9 hours ago
I can't have my list before the end of the day; it is busy, busy and busy. I mean, it must be thankful to have some times to ponder...
We had a power outage last weekend here due to some thunderstorms. I don't mind the lack of power so much but having to reset all of the clocks afterward is a bit annoying.
Today is my grandmother's B-day too. She's 80.
Happy birthday to your mom sis...she has done a great job raising you...that i am certain of...because in you, i find a sister, a friend and the tender love of a mother...
God really always sees us through this bittersweet life....his angels come in forms of friends like YOU.
How is she? I mean, your mom? :)
Thanks for being a blogmate, and a good friend. Your blog helps me get through a rough moment sometimes. So for me, BLOG OF THE CENTURY an blog mo!
Keep writing....
Enjoy the beach! And hope your Mom had a fabulous bday.
Thunder storm here in Maryland too but thank goodness not loss of power.
A Happy Birthday to your mom!
How sweet! Great list. We had some major storms last night but I slept right through them...that's how tired I was. (Well, plus I had earplugs in!)
happy birthday to your Mom, Che! wish her good health and happiness always.
may i share to you one more sweet thing i published in facebook:
I always believe in miracles... another one happened yesterday - a 3 yr old Korean boy miraculously survived a 9-storey fall. He escaped with just a fractured right ankle, a 5cm cut on his right foot, and abrasions on his chin, forehead and abdomen as he landed in the bushes.
kisses to AJ and Matt. we gotta keep an eye to the kids as anything can happen. may God protect them from danger and sickness always.
kadianis..... congratulations for winning new friends, you deserve the awards... and thank you also for remaining as my friend.... happy birthday kay mama mo, she indeed has a jewel in you. regards sa family mo and ingat pirmi kamo.
This is a great post. Happy birthday to your mom!
Aren't the giveaways fun? Hope you can find something special with your gift card! Congrats on the awards too!
Have a great day!
Hi Cherie, Yes---life brings us lots of blessings and lots of heartaches... It's all about our attitude --when it comes to how we accept these ups and downs in life.
Congrats on the awards and gifts. You deserve them!!!!
Take lots of pictures when you go to the beach. Enjoy your time with friends, and Happy Birthday to your mother.
Hi Cherie! Happy belated birthday to your mom! You have tons of lists, but I know you're always grateful and happy!
Have a great day!!
Debbie :)
My dearest Ladies and Rainfield,
I have just woken up, and am so grateful to read all your wonderful comments, God bless you all! My mother spent a beautiful birthday shopping, and spending time at the beach with my father, my brother and my fabulous sister-in-law and their baby, Nathan. The credit card scare shook me because it turns out that banks are not used to sudden changes in spending (such as on vacations, etc.) and alert owners to see if there were any unscrupulous activities - just explaining, as it might help someone in future. My mind was muddled when I said yes to The Girls. Our day out this month coincides with our VA Beach Day tomorrow with other groups of friends. And I am upset that I can't get my Dashboard to open (tried a gazillion times already) to post my very first win in blogging, Ashley's Target give-away card. Otherwise, I am refreshed and happy because everything that i can ever want is around me, including you who are there reading this, making my heart melt like butter on pancakes. Thank you for making a difference in my life. Your posts, thoughts, comments, and you are precious to me.
This is my main blog.
Cherie, I say you are one terrific super woman, being able to accomplish lots of things! You deserve those awards and congratulations. Keep on writing, I love your blog too. And a belated birthday wishes to your mom...Have a good time and enjoy Virginia Beach!
hello po, ate ebie! thank you po! i also took pictures of flowers after coming off work, remembering ate bonnie's invitation to Today's Flowers. i'll find time po later tonight to post kahit late your blog to pieces likewise! take care!!!
Be careful about those emails that say your card has been compromised. Many times they are phishing scams designed to get you to fork money to criminals. Sounds like this one was legit but always call the bank if you see an email. Never follow a link in the email.
OH! Happy belated birthday to your mom.
hello, ricardo! thank you for your advice! i thought about tha....and thank you for your greetings for my mom, God bless you!
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