Ooooh, look at those mouths! Three of them! They should be feeding every 15-20 minutes by now. They say when they fledge, and drop on the ground, we really shouldn't interfere. I guess we'll all find out in a few days. More to come, folks!
Gosh, I'd hate to have to feed those big mouths! -smile- We have a barn full of baby swallows and they chirp and poop from dawn to dusk. If there's cement underneath the nest, I'd put a rug so when they fall it's not on the terribly hard stuff. But then I'm a worry wart.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment. It is so much fun to watch baby birds grow up and leave the nest. I've had the privilege to watch that quite a few times and never tire of it. :-)
ms. sandra! to start with, i am really unsure whether these are robins or swallows or something they call starlings! it is so funny but so worrisome, too, haha! i will put a rug. you should hear my husband, they have this funny local expletive where he comes from in the philippines - not serious at all - something you say when you're worried - and he keeps saying it because he hasn't seen the mom in he says the longest time! he is ready to feed them worms. dead serious. lol
hello, ms. happyone, thank you fro dropping by yourself! please help me identify thses little birdies, ma'am, because i keep calling them robins and they may not be one! i'll try to get a picture of the mom, i am so desperate to give them an identity, lol! thank you again! glad you could come by - will update you again soon!
oh wow, your two boys are blessed to see nature's transformation right at your own home Che. hope the mom goes back soon to feed the baby birds and nothing was wrong with her. they are so cute. you just have to clean that part so well after the day they all leave you for good :( it is a lot of work too, but the joy of seeing the chicks grow and how they progress is priceless.
you should see them walk on tiptoes whenever they tag along whenever i get ready to take snapshots - they're very excited, haha! thank you, beth, will do a good cleaning up when they're all gone...kelan yun, lol
Hello Cherie, that is quite the picture. Their wide-open mouths sends a colorful signal to their parents. The red throats tell the parents, "Feed us! Feed us!"
what a surprise! and look at those big mouths! hahaha! what a delight for your family esp. for AJ and Matt! i have to show this to kyla when she wakes up tomorrow. ;)
whitemist: hi, sir: these birds are lovely, one didn't hatch but they make for a good Muse, you're right about that! thank you, sir!
rocky mountain retreat: hi, ms. michele! thank you for dropping by! haha - i hould have used that as a caption -:feed me! feed me!. ooh, we can't wait to see them fly, if only for their safety! thank you again!
cher: kakatuwa, ano? tell me waht kyla thinks, the boys are ooohing and aaaahing no end! hello from matthew - he goes 'kyla's mom and you really have the same names!' hahaha
I'm passing this on to you who are reading this. Please take it home with you to put on your sidebar. And then please pass it on, too! Everybody needs one!
Gosh, I'd hate to have to feed those big mouths! -smile- We have a barn full of baby swallows and they chirp and poop from dawn to dusk.
If there's cement underneath the nest, I'd put a rug so when they fall it's not on the terribly hard stuff.
But then I'm a worry wart.
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment.
It is so much fun to watch baby birds grow up and leave the nest. I've had the privilege to watch that quite a few times and never tire of it. :-)
ms. sandra! to start with, i am really unsure whether these are robins or swallows or something they call starlings! it is so funny but so worrisome, too, haha! i will put a rug. you should hear my husband, they have this funny local expletive where he comes from in the philippines - not serious at all - something you say when you're worried - and he keeps saying it because he hasn't seen the mom in he says the longest time! he is ready to feed them worms. dead serious. lol
hello, ms. happyone, thank you fro dropping by yourself! please help me identify thses little birdies, ma'am, because i keep calling them robins and they may not be one! i'll try to get a picture of the mom, i am so desperate to give them an identity, lol! thank you again! glad you could come by - will update you again soon!
oh wow, your two boys are blessed to see nature's transformation right at your own home Che. hope the mom goes back soon to feed the baby birds and nothing was wrong with her. they are so cute. you just have to clean that part so well after the day they all leave you for good :( it is a lot of work too, but the joy of seeing the chicks grow and how they progress is priceless.
you should see them walk on tiptoes whenever they tag along whenever i get ready to take snapshots - they're very excited, haha! thank you, beth, will do a good cleaning up when they're all gone...kelan yun, lol
Looks like fun!
Thanks for all the wonderful comments on my blog!
You have quiet some muse!
Hello Cherie, that is quite the picture. Their wide-open mouths sends a colorful signal to their parents.
The red throats tell the parents, "Feed us! Feed us!"
Thanks for dropping by, I appreciate it.
what a surprise! and look at those big mouths! hahaha! what a delight for your family esp. for AJ and Matt! i have to show this to kyla when she wakes up tomorrow. ;)
whitemist: hi, sir: these birds are lovely, one didn't hatch but they make for a good Muse, you're right about that! thank you, sir!
rocky mountain retreat: hi, ms. michele! thank you for dropping by! haha - i hould have used that as a caption -:feed me! feed me!. ooh, we can't wait to see them fly, if only for their safety! thank you again!
cher: kakatuwa, ano? tell me waht kyla thinks, the boys are ooohing and aaaahing no end! hello from matthew - he goes 'kyla's mom and you really have the same names!' hahaha
The baby birds are as busy as me. They are busy te be fed, I am busy to feed my family.
haha, rainfield, you are funny!! thanks for the drop by!
Great shot, Cherie!
thank you, Icy1 trying not to get too close!
usually the parents will feed them on the ground until they can fend for themselves. What a wonderful photo. Birds are one of my passions
I doubt they are robins.
Can you photograph the parent?
i will try, ms. pam! please let me know what they are then - oh, boy, i'm soooo glad you dropped by, do help me with their identity, lol!
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